中国城乡遗产保护志愿者工作营 Introduction



我们来自一个古老悠久的国度,在曲折而漫长路上遗失无数先辈的礼物,有时忙着赶路,得与失都无暇细数,甚至迷失了回家的路。 来自世界不同肤色,民族、国家和地区的志愿者们以“奉献、友爱、互助、进步”的志愿精神参与中国城乡遗产保护是联合国精神的最终体现,让世界变得更加美好的信念正指引着世界各地的热血青年投入到志愿者行动中来。 自2011年08月25日第一个中国城乡遗产保护志愿者工作营平遥工作营开营以来,每年各国志愿者踊跃报名,积极热情拥抱中国,现在成功开营的有:平遥、新绛、苏州、同里、屯堡、贵安、香纸沟工作营。中国城乡遗产保护志愿者工作营是“古城卫士”、“中国世遗之父”阮仪三先生创立倡导,并由上海阮仪三城市遗产保护基金会和法国遗产保护志愿者工作营联盟REMPART、英国民间遗产保护组织国家信托(National Trust)、无国界木匠组织(法国 CARPENTERS WITHOUT BORDERS)等著名或权威的机构与贵州省傩戏堂文化传播有限公司共同组织合作,我们建立的是一个国籍多元、公平尊重、互助交流、传习创新、理解包容的无国界共享营地,我们为所有志愿者提供在地支持服务,由专业的全职营员确保志愿者体验到一个安全、有意义而难忘的义举活动。我们期望鼓励更多的青年人投身国际志愿者,唤醒民间保护意识,从而影响社会普及遗产价值,减缓传统凋零,树立文化自信。请行动起来吧!不仅仅是留住一方乡愁。留住乡愁,放飞诗歌,勾我归来,志存未来。

In an ancient country with a great and enduring civilization, people are hastening forward so quickly that on the long and winding way they have missed countless gifts from their forebears, and even got lost where is home, as they are bogged down in the calculation of gain and loss.In the spirit of "dedication, friendship, mutual aid and progress", volunteers of different colors, ethnicities, nations and regions in the world have participated in conservation of urban and rural heritage in China, which is the ultimate expression of what the United Nations is all about. The conviction to better the world is guiding more and more passionate youth to get involved in voluntary programs. Since the first Chinese workcamp on urban and rural heritage conservation, Pingyao Workcamp, was established on August 25, 2011, young people from all around the world have been continuously applying for volunteering in China and enthusiastically embracing this country. Up till now, workcamp has been smoothly operated in the following sites: Pingyao, Xinjiang, Suzhou, Tongli, Tunpu, Gui"an and Xiangzhigou.
The Chinese Workcamp on Urban and Rural Heritage Conservation was advocated and founded by Ruan Yisan, knows as the "guardian of ancient city" and "father of world heritage sites in China". It is jointly organized by such famed or authoritative institutions as the Ruan Yisan Heritage Foundation (from Shanghai), REMPART (from France), National Trust (from England), and Carpenters Without Borders (from France), also in cooperation with the Guizhou Nuo Opera Culture and Communication Co., Ltd. The workcamp is of a sharing platform without borders, where inheritance and innovation are the focus, people of multiple nationalities, based on tolerance, mutual respect and understanding, are able to communicate and help each other. It offers an on-the-spot service to all the volunteers and the full-time professionals would assure them of a secure, rewarding and unforgettable experience in the workcamp.
We expect more youngsters to become a part of international volunteering, in the hope that what they do can popularize value of heritage, arouse the awareness of heritage protection in civil society, and further to slow down the withering of traditions and foster cultural confidence. Please get moving now! That’s not only for the sake of nostalgia.
To keep nostalgia, to fly poetry, and they are bound to lure me back, in spite of noble aspiration in my mind.