我们来自一个古老悠久的国度,在曲折而漫长路上遗失无数先辈的礼物,有时忙着赶路,得与失都无暇细数,甚至迷失了回家的路。 来自世界不同肤色,民族、国家和地区的志愿者们以“奉献、友爱、互助、进步”的志愿精神参与中国城乡遗产保护是联合国精神的最终体现,让世界变得更加美好的信念正指引着世界各地的热血青年投入到志愿者行动中来。 自2011年08月25日第一个中国城乡遗产保护志愿者工作营平遥工作营开营以来,每年各国志愿者踊跃报名,积极热情拥抱中国,现在成功开营的有:平遥、新绛、苏州、同里、屯堡、贵安、香纸沟工作营。
In an ancient country with a great and enduring civilization, people are hastening forward so quickly that on the long and winding way they have missed countless gifts from their forebears, and even got lost where is home, as they are bogged down in the calculation of gain and loss.In the spirit of "dedication, friendship, mutual aid and progress", volunteers of different colors, ethnicities, nations and regions in the world have participated in conservation of urban and rural heritage in China, which is the ultimate expression of what the United Nations is all about.
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