修复建筑简述 Repair building

工作篇 work chapter

设计方案展示 design scheme demonstration




    庭 院 景 观 设 计

    梳理建筑周围环境,清除废弃物件,留下有效空间以做再思考。充分利用当地材料及建筑清理出的可利用物质对建筑周边进行再生设计。志愿者先是对房屋后院及侧院进行了清理, 然后进行了集体头脑风暴设计,中法志愿者分别给出了不同的方案,最后依托其现有的材料和技术条件营造有禅意的景观主题,避免造成资源占用和浪费,原有场地与建筑的关系得到了有机的更新。

    Design the courtyard landscape

    After clearing up the surroundings of the compound and removing the abandoned articles, effective space was created for further exploration. The reusable objects from the old building and local materials were well applied to regenerative design of the surroundings. To start with the French and Chinese volunteers cleaned up the backyard and side yard, then brainstormed to propose a variety of plans, ultimately relying on the current materials and technical conditions, they came up with a landscape theme with the Zen quality that restrains from consumption or waste of resources. Hence, the relation between the original site and the compound is innovated in an organic way.

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